
If you have noticed that your calls have been marked as spam or have been blocked by major mobile carriers such as AT&T, T-mobile or …

In order to export all callbacks (CBHOLD) from the entire dialer, please log into the MySQL and run the following query: SELECT * FROM `vicidial_list` …

Small, clean database will always perform better than a huge one. In order to see what is the total size of all the databases in …

In order to locate any files larger than a certain size, please run the following command. The below example searches for all files larger than …

If you wish to search for a certain string in Asterisk only (Example: only show carrier congestion), launch the Asterisk CLI along with the grep …

To remove recordings older than X days (i.e. 3 days), SSH into your dialer and run the following campaign: find /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP3 -type f -mtime +3 …

To export only leads with a specific disposition (in this example SALE) from only certain campaigns (in this example 1000, 2000), please log in to …

Just run the following from your MySQL / MariaDB console: SELECT first_name,last_name,address1,city,postal_code,phone_number FROM vicidial_list WHERE list_id in (select list_id from vicidial_lists) and city in ('X','Y','Z') …

If you are running a predictive dialer (or any kind of Asterisk server) or a web hosting server, you have probably experienced often hacker/lamer brute force attempts. These attacks …

Sometimes, admin would like to change / reset only specific dial statuses within only specific campaign – i.e. Reset all NA, NI, NP and similar …

Some list vendors will often sell low-quality dialer lists with a lot of missing information. As an example, here is a command to delete all …

When creating a fields, following changes are needed in database: vtiger_field table – change typeofdata from the current value whatever it might be to I~O vtiger_field table – …

Creating a suppression list can be very useful when ordering new data / lists from data providers, helping you avoid purchasing duplicates. To create a …

GoAutoDial CE 3.3 monitoring and barge function do not work out of the box. To fix this, log in via SSH and run the following commands: …

IncrediblePBX (beefed up FreePBX) is one of our favorite PBX distros. The version 13 by ingenious Ward Mundy is even better than it’s predecessors but …

To remove a valid IP address from the iptables, log in via SSH and enter the following commands: iptables-save > tmp_filenano tmp_file Remove / delete …

Lot of our clients using vTiger have complained about the default Comments time format (X days ago and similar). To use a more standard timestamp, please …

To simultaneously update all of the username and phone passwords in ViCiDial, please log in to your MySQL (or PhpMyAdmin, if available) and run the …

When experiencing database problems, most often manifested by an outbound dialing issue or a time syncronization issue, try running the following command from your SSH …

Robocalls / Press1

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has taken steps to address the Robocall problem by adopting rules that allow carriers to proactively block certain kinds of …

Due to needed increase in security, stability and reliability, we have moved all of our hosted PBX systems to Amazon AWS or Vultr cloud instances, …

ViCiDial + WebRTC Integration

Imagine using your ViCiDial dialer without the need to install, configure and constantly deal with softphones such as Zoiper, X-lite, Eyebeam and similar. As a …

resh installs of self-hosted vTiger 7 come with a bug where leads and opportunities are not visible for any newly created roles unless the user …