August 2022

How to export all leads from specific certain cities from the entire database / dialer

Just run the following from your MySQL / MariaDB console: SELECT first_name,last_name,address1,city,postal_code,phone_number FROM vicidial_list WHERE list_id in (select list_id from vicidial_lists) and city in (‘X’,’Y’,’Z’) INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/cities.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘n’

How to export all leads from specific certain cities from the entire database / dialer Read More »

Installing Fail2Ban on a CentOS server

If you are running a predictive dialer (or any kind of Asterisk server) or a web hosting server, you have probably experienced often hacker/lamer brute force attempts. These attacks can be easily blocked by implementing optimal server configuration, using a good Firewall (i.e. SonicWall, PfSense, Tomato) etc. A very useful method of blocking brute force attacks is installing Fail2Ban, which

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