Dialer Tips

Monitor / Barge Problem on GoAutoDial 3.3 / ViCiDial

GoAutoDial CE 3.3 monitoring and barge function do not work out of the box. To fix this, log in via SSH and run the following commands: For CentOs distros: yum install glibc.i686 -y For Ubuntu distros: apt-get install libc6-i386 Then run: usr/share/astguiclient/ip_replay/relay_control start Voila! *Please note that epel5 distros cannot be updated anymore as they are EOL.

Monitor / Barge Problem on GoAutoDial 3.3 / ViCiDial Read More »

Removing a valid IP from IPTables or blacklisting a hacker IP

To remove a valid IP address from the iptables, log in via SSH and enter the following commands: iptables-save > tmp_filenano tmp_file Remove / delete the line containing the valid IP address iptables-restore < tmp_file & iptables-save To block an IP (example 111.222.333.444), please use the following command: iptables -A INPUT -s 111.222.333.444 -j DROP

Removing a valid IP from IPTables or blacklisting a hacker IP Read More »

Updating all user and phone password in ViCiDial from the command line

To simultaneously update all of the username and phone passwords in ViCiDial, please log in to your MySQL (or PhpMyAdmin, if available) and run the following SQL statements: UPDATE phones set pass=’Your_Password’,conf_secret=’Your_Password’ where user_level=1; UPDATE vicidial_users set pass=’Your_Password’,phone_pass=’Your_Password’ where user_level=1;

Updating all user and phone password in ViCiDial from the command line Read More »

Fix the Time Synchronization problem with ViCiDial

When experiencing database problems, most often manifested by an outbound dialing issue or a time syncronization issue, try running the following command from your SSH client: mysqlcheck -u cron -p 1234 –auto-repair –check –optimize –all-databases You can also use the root MySQL credentials. Make sure to restart the asterisk service just in case: service asterisk

Fix the Time Synchronization problem with ViCiDial Read More »